Do Not Go Gentle
by Suzan L. Zeder
Me as Lillian Boedecker Barron
Donnette Cowgill as Joanna
Jon Brumbelow as Windsor Barron
Maura Metcalf-Kelly as Kelly Barron
Barbara Doudt as Mildred Flumac
Mathew Davis as Nobody
Evan Brumbelow as Young Windsor
Julie Freedman as Young Lillian
Bob Cotti - Director
Gary Bonacquisti - Asst. Dir/Stage Mgr
Set Artist - Julie Freedman
Lights - Matt Mershawn
Marvis Kisselburgh - Producer
April, 2004 at
Rockwall Playhouse
Lillian and Windsor argue
about his joining the Air Force
Kelly Visits her Grandmother
Lillian gives Joanna
a Reading
Lillian Teaches her
young friend, "Nobody"
to Read
The Cast First Meets
The People's Choice Award