

I'll Never Run Windows© Again
by Me
© Copyright 2000

A Near-Death Experience of a Windows© User

I purchased the new Windows for Carpools© last week and installed it on my Personal Car (PC). It ran great! The scenery was much better and I hardly ever had to touch the steering wheel any more.

This morning, on the way to work, I went into the control panel and opened the cruise control at 55 MPH, then sat back and just watched the scenery. It was great.

But, the traffic was light because of the early hour, and I never had to move the wheel, or touch any other control, for that matter. And, you guessed it; after five minutes, the screen-saver kicked in! Suddenly I couldn't see the scenery any more; I had been Mystified!

I must confess, I panicked; at first I couldn't find the wheel, then when I did, I jerked it. Immediately the current window opened, and I saw I was headed directly toward the center barrier at a high data rate. I jerked the wheel again, narrowly missing the center barrier, but went careening off toward the other lane where an eighteen-wheeler running Windows© 2.0 was looming. Somehow I got into the control panel and closed the cruise control. Then I closed all the other windows, turned on the air conditioner, and just sat on the shoulder, feeling thankful to have survived.

And that's why "I'll Never Run Windows© Again!"

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