Name Writes

Once every little while I'll write something
that's not computer code or html code.
These are a few pieces I think will neither
embarrass me nor offend you,
and perhaps may entertain.
AcquaintedLet's Get Acquainted.
In TheatreOnstage.
FunnyNow, That's Funny!
WritingThe Written Word.
KitchenRock in the Kitchen.


Starting out lightweight, this little confection isn't even a truffel, more like cotton candy, a joke more than a story. It's a technology joke, and pretty dated at that, but I still think it's kind of funny, see what you think...          I'll Never Run Windows Again

You know haiku, introduced by the Japanese, little tiny poems of three lines total, the first line is five syllables, the second line is seven, and the third is five agan.

In about 1990 someone sort of dared me to write some. These are a few.

         My Haiku

A fairy tale, rewritten from one of the other character's point of view - this was an assignment in a writing class. What happened is a version of Cinderella by one of the step-sisters. Did you know the step sisters had names?          The Step Sister's Story

Domestic violence is no joke, and there's little funny in this short story.          Deadlock

What ever could be so wonderful as to make someone this happy? This short story still disturbs me.          That Smile

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